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Foster homes act as the bridge between what was and what can be. They are the pathway to a second chance at life. 


Frequently Asked Questions

What is fostering? 

Fostering a rescued cat is one of the most rewarding things you can ever do, because you will truly be saving a life.  Basically, a foster parent takes a cat into their home until the cat's forever (adoptive) family can be found.  Fosters are essential in providing special love and care for a cat when he or she needs it most.  Chicago Cat Rescue provides all the veterinary care - you just provide the safe haven and love.  Food and supplies are also provided, however if our foster parents are able to provide some of the food, litter and toys, we are very appreciative because that allows us to allocate more resources to veterinary care and rescuing more cats.  As a foster parent, you will be able to provide us with invaluable information about our cats' personalities and needs, and your assistance will guide our decisions regarding their futures. Chicago Cat Rescue needs foster homes for cats and kittens with varying needs - so undoubtedly, if you can open your home to a cat, we will be able to match you with one (or two, or three!) that will settle into your lifestyle accordingly. 


How long does a cat need a foster home? 

The length of stay in a foster home varies. It depends on how long it takes to find the right forever home for the cat. Some cats will only be with their foster family for a couple of days; some may be there for weeks, a couple of months or longer. However, it is the goal of Chicago Cat Rescue to place each cat with the perfect forever family as quickly as possible. If at some point the cat can no longer stay in the foster home for whatever reason, Chicago Cat Rescue will find another foster home for the cat. 


Why should I foster a cat?

There are many different reasons for you to consider fostering: e.g., if you are unable to make a several year commitment to pets of your own; have upcoming travel plans or life events; or maybe you currently have a cat and are considering adopting a buddy for him or her, but are unsure if a newcomer will fit in? Whatever the reason why, we would be happy to discuss with you the foster situation that will best suit you and your household. 


Why is the need for foster homes so urgent?

The truth: Sadly, thousands of cats and kittens are euthanized in shelters every single day, because there are not enough foster or adoptive homes to get them to safety. So, the need is urgent.  Chicago Cat Rescue needs foster homes in order to continue to save cats in need. Every cat rescued by Chicago Cat Rescue must have a place to go until the cat is adopted. If you have ever considered fostering a cat, now is the time.  Please, join us in saving lives by becoming a FOSTER PARENT EXTRAORDINAIRE for Chicago Cat Rescue!!


Ready to help?

Become a foster parent
